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Selling your QR based marketing skills to clients.

Copyright 2012 by WWW.TheFamilyCompany.Com

    If you're into marketing, computers, or even art and design, by now Quick Response codes have got your attention. You know they can work for your clients, and you believe in the power of instant response. Will your clients believe? We're at the beginning of an immense upswing with the adoption of QR codes. It's like 1995 all over again when the web was coming into it's own and wise people were already working with it. The public in general has not caught on to this "latest thing" but they will!

    Every client you work for is a potential beneficiary of the magic and power of QR codes. They don't need to know how to make the codes themselves, or they'll trust you to make one at OrangeQR.Com on their behalf. Here's a few ways to catch their attention and sell your skills to business clients.

    "Imagine if you had a sticker that worked a little bit like magic. There's a huge group of people between 25 years old and 55 years old that have smart phones. They love to use their Internet enabled smart phones all day long. Imagine how cool it would be if these customers could point their camera phones at your magic sticker and go directly to your website. Wouldn't that be amazing?"

    "But wait, there's more! Imagine if it were so easy to order something from you that all they had to do was point and click with their camera phone. And then an electronic commerce shopping cart appeared with your product pre-ordered and ready to purchase, like instant pizza ordering if you sold pizza, or a mail order item, or even a brand new car!"

    Of course, these are only example suggestions. Each client of yours will have different needs. But the possibilities are endless since QR codes can dial a phone number and call the business, display contact information, give more details about a product or service, jump to a hyperlink, even send a text message. As time goes on there will inevitably be more "connections" made with QR codes. New things are being invented all the time.

    A most ingenious and powerful marketing tool is the trackable QR code such as those offered by the OrangeQR.Com website. You'll be able to surpass your competition when you offer your clients the ability to track their QR codes for marketing. Tell them it's like tracking hits on their web page, but better. And you know the secret! Just like a magician you'll be performing a bit of magic for your clients.

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