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QR codes make the smartphone a virtual reality mouse!
Copyright 2012 by WWW.TheFamilyCompany.Com
Science fiction has arrived and we almost did not notice it. People are connecting the real world with virtual reality right now in 2012! Everywhere we see these "magic checkerboards" printed in our real world. And every single day there are consumers with money who point-and-click with their smartphones.
Instantly linking to a portion of virtual reality through the Internet and other methods, people are making connections with businesses. Orders are being paid, sales are being made, and the average buyer is being targeted with the exact information, sales pitch, video, music, or whatever it is they need or desire. The smartphone has become the "mouse" for the giant virtual computer system which spans the world.
The mouse has been improved, a screen has been added. Two way voice communication is standard, and electronic commerce is conducted easily. People are waving their "mice" around in public, using a keyboard onscreen or tactile buttons, and they have taken their computing needs on the road with them. Mobility is power for a busy buyer. QR codes are the connection that make smartphones act as point-and-click mice.
QR codes are the newer version of a hyper-link. The world is your web page now and a QR code replaces the blue underlined links on a web site. You walk through your life from place to place. Every place with a QR code becomes part of your Internet experience. You become the browser and your phone becomes the mouse every time you point and click a QR code.
Buyers want instant gratification. A QR code can become the quickest way to get and hold the attention of your audience. Have you started using these almost magical links in your real world marketing yet? If you don't know where to start, or if you want a professional to handle it for you, just visit OrangeQR.Com and speak with the pros.
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